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فارسی عربي


Cyprus contest awards Iranian cartoonist

Iranian cartoonist Saeed Sadeqi has received the International Jury Members Special Prize at the 6th edition of the International Olive Cartoon Contest in Kyrenia, Cyprus.

Born in 1974, Saeed Sadeqi received his BA in painting From Tehran Art University in 2004. He is also a member of Iranian House of Cartoon and Fars Artistic Center Cartoon Association. He was selected as the best Iranian Cartoonist in 2012.

So far, he has received many national and international awards, including the first prizes at the 11th edition of the International Environmental Cartoon Contest China 2016, International Contest of World Press Cartoon Sintra in Portugal 2003 and the International Cartoon Contest Scopje in Macedonia in 2003.

The International Olive Cartoon Contest seeks to show the true meaning of the olive tree not only as a sign for peace and achievement but as the oldest food and body care product, Cyprus contest website reports.

